Luke Ouellette
Piano Technician
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Since 2014 I have been focused on piano tuning. Before then, I already had a very deep understanding of pianos and how they worked. This was thanks to my mother who has now been in the piano tuning business now for over thirty years. I started out by going to school at North Bennet St. School in Boston. There, I took two one-year classes.

The first year was learning how to tune and do in home repairs on pianos. The second year was learning how to rebuild a piano from nothing more than an empty case to a fully working and rebuilt piano. I have touched and replaced every single piece of a piano at least once. I may be new to this as a job, but this work is not new to me at all.

Along with going to school I also did internships during that time. These were events where pianos were placed in cities for people to play and I was required to keep them functioning during the event. Needless to say working on a piano that is left outside is a task in and of itself. Figuring out how to keep them in a condition that allows them to play is not a job for just anyone. Tuning with distractions, working in conditions that are not ideal, figuring out answers to problems that should never have to be asked about a piano. This kind of work will really keep you on your toes.

Since graduating from both years of school, I have tuned and repaired pianos for private clients, music teachers, public schools, universities, churches and businesses. There is no job that I can�t do or won�t take. I offer services that range from tuning to rebuilding and restoration. I have a special liking for repairing finishes such as polyester and lacquer on not only pianos, but furniture as well. I can repair even the deepest ding and dent or gouge.

To further my knowledge and understanding I go to conventions and take classes to keep up with all the new methods and technology that comes out for piano tuning, servicing, and rebuilding. We all learn from others within the trade to further our understanding of pianos.



© 2020 Luke Ouellette

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